Stateful Stream ProcessingFlink/Concepts 2024. 4. 21. 13:58
https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.17/docs/concepts/stateful-stream-processing/ Stateful Stream Processing Stateful Stream Processing # What is State? # While many operations in a dataflow simply look at one individual event at a time (for example an event parser), some operations remember information across multiple events (for example window operators). These nightlies.apa..
OverviewFlink/Concepts 2024. 4. 21. 13:51
https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.17/docs/concepts/overview/ Overview Concepts # The Hands-on Training explains the basic concepts of stateful and timely stream processing that underlie Flink’s APIs, and provides examples of how these mechanisms are used in applications. Stateful stream processing is introduced in the cont nightlies.apache.org 1.17 documnet 기반으로 정리했습니다. Fli..